(303) 420-8242 | 7333 W. Jefferson Ave., Suite 235, Lakewood, CO 80235 USA
News | August 28, 2017
C&IH is proud to announce that Dr. Andrey Korchevskiy, Director of Research and Development, has been awarded the Distinguished Lecturer Designation by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA). As described by the AIHA, the Distinguished Lecturer Program provides lectures on national and international occupational and environmental health issues that affect the practice of industrial hygiene. The program features prominent experts in industrial hygiene from academia, private industry, and government who lect ure on current research and developments that affect workplace safety and the environment. Candidates are drawn from the AIHA membership, with both the lecturer and their presentations undergoing a comprehensive peer review process to evaluate their quality and timeless.
Recent lectures by Dr. Korchevskiy that have been recognized by the AIHA include, “Risk Assessment Boot Camp for Industrial Hygienists: Asbestos, Silica, Metals and Organic Compounds” (presented together with Eric Rasmuson) and “Statistical Methods for Industrial Hygiene Practice.”