(303) 420-8242 | 7333 W. Jefferson Ave., Suite 235, Lakewood, CO 80235 USA
Events | April 6, 2017
In June of 2015, ASHRAE, in conjunction with ANSI, approved their long awaited and much anticipated minimum Legionellosis risk management requirements for building water systems. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188-2015, Legionallosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems, was no sooner published when within a month, a Legionnaire’s Disease outbreak in the South Bronx area of New York City claimed 12 lives and caused over 125 illnesses. Numerous Legionnaires’ Disease outbreaks have since been reported across the country, in Canada, Europe, and as far away as New Zealand and Australia. The presentation, by C&IH’s Senior Engineer Bill Mele, will address the chain of causation of Legionnaires’ Disease, characterize the buildings and building water systems requiring control, and identify the elements of the risk management program as required by ASHARE Standard 188-2015.
The ASHRAE Rocky Mountain Chapter 2017 Technical Conference is scheduled for Friday April 28th at the Sheraton Denver West located at 360 Union Boulevard in Lakewood, Colorado. Information and registration is available through the conference website.